By now you probably know how we calculate our performance based revenue model. On the other hand there is still the question how we calculate the estimated revenue for premium users. This article will answer all your questions and will explain to you how we are calculating premium clicks. We divided the following article in three different sections for better understanding.
Upgrade your experience with Premium!
Complete our 2-days special offer period to test Linkvertise Premium, get to know the user experience and enjoy the perfect start to your subscription!
The two steps of our calculation
The daily value of a premium user
The first part of our premium click calculation is the value of a premium user. The premium calculation isn’t as easy as it seems. We sum up the daily value depending on the amount of clicks a user does on that day. Our revenue distribution is based on that daily value.
Promised, you do not have to be a maths professor to understand. We aren’t either.
Examples of the Premium-Click-Calculation:
- Today, a premium user clicked one link. His daily value is equivalent to the amount of money given to the creators through him.
- Yesterday, a premium user didn’t click any link. Today he clicked some. His daily value for today is 2x the daily value of the first example.
- This week, a premium user didn’t click any link. Today he clicked some. His daily value for today is 7x the daily value of the first example
You can now put away your calculators. The big advantage is that the amount of money a creator gets through a premium user is depending on the activity of that member. We always strive to get you the best deal!
The share of the daily value between our creators
Now that you have understood the process of daily valuation of the premium user, you will easily get the rest of the concept. Basically, we divide the value through every creator whose links were clicked by the premium user today. This is the latest illustration of the split on how we are calculating premium clicks:
Premium earnings for content creators in the dashboard
Since we are constantly growing and changing, the graph in the dashboard has changed again. You will first see your estimated daily income. At midnight the actual amount (incl. the fixed share of your premium click values) will be calculated. Only the premium clicks are not fixed in the estimated revenue.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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