Welcome to our all-new link creation process: With a much more intuitive, cleaner and visually more appealing design, it has never been easier to create and publish your links.
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In this article, we will lay out to you everything you need to know about the link creation process.
How to create a Linkvertise link?
The basic process of creating a link contains of 4 steps. We’ll go through every single one of them – just click on your desired step.
Create Link
In general, you’ll have two choices to navigate to the link creation.
You can either use the green “Create link”-Button in the header bar. It will be pinned here permanently. Secondly, when you’re in your dashboard, you can click on the green button below the link table.
Set URL or Snippet
After clicking the “Create Link” button, you will be redirected to the link creaton. First, you need to decide which type of link you want to generate.
You have two options:
- Create a LINK
If you would like to redirect your audience to a download link or website, choose this option. It is important that the correct URL format is taken. This means, you need to enter http:// or https:// (depending on which variant the website uses). - Create a CODE-SNIPPET
There is also the option to insert a Code-Snippet. Click the option to directly paste your code snippet into the input field.
Keep in mind that you can only use one of them at a time.
The essentials
Now, the fun part begins.
You can decide between multiple customization options. It all starts with the question whether you would like to publish your link in our search network for a boost in visibility. If you toggle this option, you are required to set multiple specifications, but more users will potentially be exposed to your link in our search network.
No SEO, no problem:
If you want to proceed without the SEO option, you are only required to set the Short Link Title and you are good to go!
Short Link Title
Describe your link in a short and memorable way, so that your audience immediately knows what the link is all about.
If you toggle the SEO option, a title is the first specification you need to set. What’s important? Firstly, it should include the search-term (main keyword). You should additionally ensure, that it sounds interesting and makes people want to click it. We certainly don’t want to promote clickbaiting, but this is the place to do it.
Image Gallery
Humans are visual creatures.
Did you know that studies show 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual? In fact, our brain processes images 60.000 times faster than words. Wow. And humans also like YouTube. Perfect scenario for your link creation. You have the option to upload up to eight pictures to give depth and previews to your content.
Upload an interesting and powerful thumbnail and/or a YouTube video to provide more depth to your content. This way, you set yourself apart from other creators on our platform and gain an edge.
Well, what about the other 10% of information transmitted to your brain? Don’t worry, by setting a proper link description, you get the chance to provide them as well. A well-written description should not be underrated, it is a very relevant factor. We detect the context of your link within the description. This means we try to understand which other search terms your link might be useful for and it will show up there as well. Also it will provide further information to the link-visitors. It will build trust and people tend to click on your link instead of others. It’s worth being creative.
Congratulations, you are now done and can go to the next step in our link creation process.
Monetization Preferences
Now that your link is a beautiful symbiosis of precise keywords, creative and highlighting images as well as well-written and descriptive texts providing depth and all the information your audience needs, it is time to get to business. In your monetization settings, you decide on your income, factoring in your audience’s user experience. Ranging from a very user-friendly to a revenue-oriented setting system, it is up to you to find the perfect setting for your audience and content type. For some audiences, a more revenue-oriented might work perfectly and lead to a higher RPM. For other audiences, it might be advantageous to select a more user-friendly approach.
That’s it! You can now share it with your community!
Our Guidelines
Title and Description
- You are not allowed to promote illegal content and material that endorses illegal content
- You are not allowed to use deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive language
- Promoting pornographic content (real, animated or AI-generated) is forbidden
- You are not allowed to use language indicating any form of abuse, harassment, violence, terrorism, racism, self harm or otherwise offensive content
- Repetitive words or phrases are not allowed
- Title and description must be clearly readable
- Title and descriptions must be specific and non generic
- It is not allowed to spam capital letters
- It is forbidden to advertise misleading or incorrect content
- Titles with URLs are not allowed. URLs are permitted in descriptions
Target Content
- You are not allowed to link to content that is deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive
- You are not allowed to link non significant content like “[google.com](http://google.com/)” only
- You are not allowed to link adult content or adult related content
- It is forbidden to link illegal content
- It is forbidden to share shocking content
- The target has to be the expected content. It can not lead to other monetizing solution, password protection or text files with further link-chains
Videos, Image & Thumbnails
- You are not allowed to use videos and images that are deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive
- Videos and Images have to be related to the target content and description
- You can not show sexual acts or involved nudity in your preview pictures
- You can not show previews of illegal content (drugs, etc.) or violence
- You are not allowed to show copyright infringing content
Now you’re all done and ready to earn revenue. Just share your link and start your journey! If you’re not sure on how to continue your Linkvertise-Journey then just check our other article or look into our YouTube-Channel. We have a lot of videos that’ll help you there.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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