In order to create a Linkvertise link, you will be required to set link details that describe your link and advertise it at the same time.
When creating a link, you have the option to either select the SEO option and list your link in our search engine for improved visibility or, alternatively, turn off this option for a quicker creation.
If you choose to activate SEO, you will can set a SEO-description. But what are the benefits of doing so? We can tell you – a lot! What SEO is and why you should use it to create more revenue you will learn in this article.
Check out the video
What is a SEO-Description and why we use it
Search Engine Optimization – short SEO, is a marketing tool to help differentiate content while also creating a tool to rank it. In a nutshell SEO is a collection of keywords. We use it to add you to our search-engine. If you set a SEO-Description, your links will appear as a search-result. You’ve now opened your content to a completely new audience. Even people who don’t know you or your content will be able to find your account now. This why you should never skip the SEO-Description.
SEO is especially important if you haven’t got a community yet. As a publisher you can easily create content and links, which people are interested in, make a good SEO-Description and you will get some clicks and earnings from that. You do not need to share your links. Just have a little patience and consider the tips, we will explain to you down below.
We aim to improve the quality of our Search-Results. Through that we want to increase the usability for all consumers and go a further step into becoming the initial access place to discover and search exclusive content.
Important: We implemented specific guidelines, which you need to follow for your SEO-Descriptions. The guidelines are elaborated in this article.
How to write a brilliant SEO-Description
It is important to know that the position within the search results is very relevant. The first three results get around 60% of all clicks for that specific search term.
Setting a proper title
The title is a very important element for ranking high within the Linkvertise search results. Firstly, it should include the search-term (main keyword). You should additionally ensure, that it sounds interesting and makes people want to click it. If its clicked quite often compared to other “competitor” links for your topic, you will be ranked before them. Furthermore the rating for the specific links is counted. Premium members can rate each link. That’s why you should ensure, the title actually describes, what people will get after clicking the link. Otherwise, there will be a lot of dislikes and your link won’t show up in the top search results any more.
A superb description
The description is a little underrated, but a very relevant factor as well. We detect the context of your link within the description. This means we try to understand which other search terms your link might be useful for and it will show up there as well. Also it will provide further information to the link-visitors. It will build trust and people tend to click on your link instead of others. It’s worth being creative. Your description should contain of at least 100 characters.
Adding a visual representation
If you have a YouTube channel, where you plan to share your link as well, it will be useful to integrate the link to your YouTube video inside the SEO-Description as well. It’s not only building trust. It is also a direct factor for better ranking. Another benefit is the extra attention for your video.
Has your link gone through moderation and is finally listed in the Linkvertise search-engine?
In general we at Linkvertise distinguish between three states for your SEO-Description.
- Grey: You didn’t provide any SEO-Description
- Orange: You entered a SEO-Description and it’s indexed in the search results
- Red: You wrote a SEO-Description, which is non compliant with our guidelines. It is removed from our search-results
Our Guidelines
Title and Description
- You are not allowed to promote illegal content and material that endorses illegal content
- You are not allowed to use deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive language
- Promoting pornographic content (real, animated or AI-generated) is forbidden
- You are not allowed to use language indicating any form of abuse, harassment, violence, terrorism, racism, self harm or otherwise offensive content
- Repetitive words or phrases are not allowed
- Title and description must be clearly readable
- Title and descriptions must be specific and non generic
- It is not allowed to spam capital letters
- It is forbidden to advertise misleading or incorrect content
- Titles with URLs are not allowed. URLs are permitted in descriptions
Target Content
- You are not allowed to link to content that is deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive
- You are not allowed to link non significant content like “[](” only
- You are not allowed to link adult content or adult related content
- It is forbidden to link illegal content
- It is forbidden to share shocking content
- The target has to be the expected content. It can not lead to other monetizing solution, password protection or text files with further link-chains
Videos, Image & Thumbnails
- You are not allowed to use videos and images that are deceptive, obscene, defamatory, illegal or otherwise offensive
- Videos and Images have to be related to the target content and description
- You can not show sexual acts or involved nudity in your preview pictures
- You can not show previews of illegal content (drugs, etc.) or violence
- You are not allowed to show copyright infringing content
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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