You’ve created your account and are unsure how to change any of your settings? No matter if it’s your display name, a password change, switching email addresses, currency changes or the change of your payment method. After reading this article, you’ll know how to do all of these things yourself.
Having trouble withdrawing?
Check out our article about how to withdraw with Linkvertise in an easy way.
Changing your settings via YouTube
Change your Display Name
First things first, for every change we’re going through today, you’ll be needing to be logged in to your dashboard. So, make sure you’ve got your login email address and password ready.
Change your display name
First of all be aware that your display name is not your Linkvertise account name. The display name is the name displayed next to your content.
You’ll just click in to the settings bar in the menu, and the upper left dash named “Display name for Links” shows your current name. Click in it and fill in your new display name. Confirm it with clicking save.
Change your password
To change your password you’ll have to actually log out of the dashboard.
Then click login and “Forgot password” fill in your registration email address. You’ll receive an email. Then, just follow the steps, and you’ll have a new password shortly.
Change your email address
Changing your email address is actually a passive process you’ll not actually do yourself. In the dashboard, you’ll just navigate to the support tab and write as a message including your new email address. We’ll gladly switch it for you.
Usually this process takes less than 24 hours.
Change your currency
In order to change your currency settings, navigate to the settings section of your dashboard. By selection the dropdown, you can choose the currency your dashboard should portray.
Important note: This will NOT determine the currency your payouts will actually be paid, this is depending on your information in your payout tab.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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