Linkvertise strives to empower the creators to unleash their creative potential, share what they have worked for while earning money in the process. At the same time, users from all over the world are supposed to enjoy this content without any harm. We owe it to our creators, users and partners to provide a safe community.
Violations will be sanctioned
Whenever infringements against our rules and guidelines come to our attention, we will take action. Actions may vary regarding the severity of the specific case.
Therefore, Linkvertise has always had a set of community guidelines that outline what type of content isn’t allowed on the platform. We take the safety of our creators and users very seriously and will enforce our guidelines to any extend necessary in order to prevent abuse of the platform.
Using a combination of human reviewers and machine learning, we are able to enforce our guidelines and apply them to everyone - regardless of the creator’s background, history, political viewpoint, position or affiliation.
What areas are not acceptable according to our guidelines?
In general, we differentiate between different types of criteria that are unacceptable to publish or advertise on our platform. We are not in law school, and therefore, we will display the differences and specifications of each category in an easy and understandable way to you. Click on each category to gain an insight view on this matter:
Illegal content, involving topics like:
Fraud & Identity
What these guidelines mean for you
As a creator
If you publish content clearly violating any of these guidelines, we will remove the content and let you know.
With all these different categories, we will run into unclear cases. We reserve the right to enforce our guidelines with all necessary punishments through our internal staff as well as our legal department.
Violations against our policies can lead to an immediate closure of the creator account and will result in the end of any business relationship with Linkvertise. Also, we will report misuse of the platform to authorities if necessary.
As a user
If you detect content on the platform that violates our guidelines, let us know.
We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. We believe Linkvertise is a great space to share creative content and achieve great things together, therefore, we need to stand against any misuse or abuse of this great space together.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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