The safety of our creators, users, and partners is our highest priority. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. Please take the time to read the policy below. You can also check out our guideline overview here.
For sake of transparency and safety, Linkvertise does not allow to advertise, promote or give a wrong impression using misleading labeling of your links. The goal is to prevent the distortion of the facts and actual link content. Users must not be misled through wrong, abusive or illegal titles, descriptions, thumbnails or videos.
What kind of content this policy covers
Don’t publish content that fits any of the descriptions below:
Advertising of illegal activity
The advertising of links using illegal, harassing, sexual abusive or misleading titles, thumbnails or videos or descriptions is forbidden and will be sanctioned and deleted.
Advertising using word combinations, pictures or videos that may reference to abuse (sexual, violent, racist, criminal or other defamatory abuse) of minors, individuals, defined groups, ethnicities or animals must not be used to label links or content in any way, shape or form.
Advertising using word combinations, pictures or videos that may reference to drug abuse or abuse of medical substances or practices is also not accepted and will be sanctioned and deleted.
Combination of words or their abbreviations indicating, referencing or alluding to the aforementioned examples are also not allowed.
These aforementioned examples affect any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
Misleading material
Any content that intends to give a wrong impression about the link and consequently the target the user wants to gain access to must be retained. Misleading subtle implications, omissions, and false statements about the quality, quantity or features of link targets are not allowed.
These aforementioned examples affect any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
What this policy means to you
As a creator
If you publish content violating this policy, we will take action. These actions may vary in consideration of the severity of the violation. All infringing links will be deleted. It also may result in an official warning, affect and limit your usage of Linkvertise as a creator or - in severe cases - may lead to the immediate suspension of your account and will result in the end of any business relationship with Linkvertise.
We reserve the right to stop any pending payments and withhold the revenue potentially generated with illegal material.
Also, we will report misuse of the platform to authorities if necessary.
As a user
If you find content that infringes the policies above, please report the links. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community.
In order to report any violations, please contact or use our form here.
Thank you for making an impact and helping us to create a safer world!
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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