The safety of our creators, users, and partners is our highest priority. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. Please take the time to read the policy below. You can also check out our guideline overview here.
What is copyright?
Copyright is applied when a creator creates something. According to most country’s law, the creator automatically owns copyright to their work, meaning they have the exclusive right to use the work and to decide who else has the permission to use it.
According to copyright law, in order to be eligible for copyright protection, a work must be creative and it must be fixed in a tangible medium.
Linkvertise does not allow to steal someone else’s creative work. By enforcing our copyright policies, we strive to secure intellectual and creative work to protect the creator’s rights and to provide a safe space to share their content.
Giving credit to the copyright owner doesn’t automatically give you the rights to use their copyrighted work.
Whether you are allowed to use someone else’s work may vary from country to country. In the US, for example, works of reporting, commenting, criticizing or teaching may be considered fair use. In Europe, however, more limited exceptions are in place. If you want to publish copyright material on Linkvertise, we suggest to get permission by the original owner first, in written form. Otherwise, we might delete copyright infringing content as soon as we get notified by the copyright’s owner or legal representative or our own standard procedures of notice and takedown.
What kind of content this policy covers
Don’t publish content that fits any of the descriptions below:
Copyright can be applied for the following types of content:
- Audio and visual work, e.g. music tracks and beats, recordings, pictures, videos, movies, TV productions
- Video games and computer software, e. g. game mods, packs and code snippets
- Written work, e. g. lyrics, lectures, articles or books
- Advertisements and product slogans
These aforementioned examples affect any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
What this policy means to you
As a creator
If you publish content violating this policy, we will take action. These actions may vary in consideration of the severity of the violation. All infringing links will be deleted. It also may result in an official warning, affect and limit your usage of Linkvertise as a creator or - in severe cases - may lead to the immediate suspension of your account and will result in the end of any business relationship with Linkvertise.
We reserve the right to stop any pending payments and withhold the revenue potentially generated with illegal material.
Also, we will report misuse of the platform to authorities if necessary.
As a copyright owner
If your copyright-protected work was posted on Linkvertise without your authorization, you can submit a copyright removal request to request that the content be removed. You must be the original copyright owner or act on the owner’s behalf.
Please file your request here.
Don’t make false claims. Misuse of any removal request, such as submitting false information, may result in the suspension of your account or other legal consequences.
We might need you to proof you are the original owner and highly appreciate your cooperation.
As a user
If you find content that infringes the policies above, please report the links. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community.
In order to report any violations, please contact or use our form here.
Thank you for making an impact and helping us to create a safer world!
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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