The safety of our creators, users, and partners is our highest priority. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. Please take the time to read the policy below. You can also check out our guideline overview here.
Linkvertise doesn’t allow content that endangers the emotional and physical well-being of minors in any way.
According to German law, a minor is defined as an individual under the age of 18.
What kind of content this policy covers
Don’t publish content that fits any of the descriptions below:
Sexualization of minors, nudity and sexually abusive material
Any content that sexualizes, sexually exploits or endangers minors on our platform, is illegal and will be deleted. We are committed to fight the spread of child sexual abusive material with all force. This includes media, pictures, text, illustrated and computer-generated images.
Any content featuring or depicting nudity of a minor (real, fictional, or animated) or promoting sexual exploitation of minors is strictly forbidden on our platform and is a severe violation of our guidelines.
This affects any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
Harmful or dangerous acts involving minors
Content showing minors participating in dangerous activities or activities that are not allowed for minors will be deleted. For example, drinking alcohol, using vaporizers, tobacco or e-cigarettes, using drugs, using firearms and other scenarios are not allowed.
This affects any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
Cyberbullying and harassment involving minors
Any content that intends to shame, deceive or insult minors or reveals any personal information like email addresses or bank account numbers as well as national IDs, is not allowed and will be deleted. Moreover, content that encourages others to bully or harass minors is forbidden and will be deleted.
This affects any material on Linkvertise, e. g. description or link title or thumbnails and images as well as the target, meaning the content on any linked site or text snippet.
What this policy means to you
As a creator
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any content involving sexual or any other form of abusive material of minors. If you publish content violating this policy, we will remove the content with immediate result.
Also, any violation will lead to an immediate suspension of the creator account and will result in the end of any business relationship with Linkvertise. We reserve the right to stop any pending payments and withhold the revenue potentially generated with illegal material.
Also, we will report misuse of the platform to authorities if necessary.
As a user
If you find content that infringes the policies above, please report the links. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community.
In order to report any violations, please contact or use our form here.
Thank you for making an impact and helping us to create a safer world!
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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