The safety of our creators, users, and partners is our highest priority. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. Please take the time to read the policy below. You can also check out our guideline overview here.
In your dashboard, more precisely right above your Support Chat, you are able find your current account status, showcasing if and how many violations your account has accumulated.
What is a violation?
Whenever infringements against our rules and guidelines come to our attention, we will take action. Every case will be checked manually by our compliance team. In case the investigation confirms the violation, we will take action and delete your infringing links. If this happens, we will assign one violation to your account.
For detailed information, please check out our guideline overview.
How many violations can my account tolerate?
Mistakes do happen. That is why each account can have up to 8 violations. If you reach this threshold, your account is in danger and our compliance team will take a closer look regarding your status. Consequently, it may lead to the immediate suspension of your account and will result in the end of any business relationship with Linkvertise.
Will violations be deleted if I change my behavior?
Yes, we will delete violations after 90 days.
Can I appeal a violation?
We are working on a smooth way to give you the opportunity to appeal a violation if you feel we misjudged. In the meantime, please contact our support team conveniently via our Support Chat.
However, you can already appeal an account suspension. Please check out the related article here.
We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We wish you great success with Linkvertise!
Your Linkvertise Team 🧡
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